Season’s Greetings!

The holidays are upon us! When I was a kid, I remember watching movies and T.V. shows that presented the holidays as a picture perfect time for family and friends. I’m thirty-six now, and I’ve NEVER had a perfect holiday season. I’ve learned a lot over the years about letting go of that perfection and … Read more

Full-Time Writer Alert

It’s been a few weeks since I last posted, so I thought I would update you all on what is going on in C.W.’s world. First, I took a huge chance and decided to become a full-time writer. This was something I debated for  a while and a new family emergency led me to finally … Read more

The Silver Isles Trilogy

A few months ago, I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and pictures of mermen kept catching my eye. First, there was an adorable picture by Andrea Lepre on DeviantArt of a redheaded, husky merman kissing a sailor. Then, the wonderfully talented Sarah Jo Chreene posted an original painting of a cute, blue-haired merman.  … Read more

The Captain’s Mate – Blue Solace Six

I’m excited to announce that the sixth book in the Blue Solace series is now available! Draif and Lucas’ story settles most of the overarching plot of the series, and I enjoyed spending time with these two men. Draif is an extraordinary character and I hope I did him justice.  Welcome back to Charybdis Station … Read more

Unedited Excerpt of “The Engineer’s Mate”

“Beckie Boo, you can’t mean that.” Ma’s sad face filled his vid-screen. Beck Brackenstone winced at the sadness in her voice. “Ma, you have to promise me that you won’t go bothering my mate. We’re courting.” Beck’s courting skills were seriously lacking, but having Ma poke her nose into it would make things even worse. … Read more

Audio Books are Coming!

Do you like audio books? I’ll be honest. I prefer reading a story to listening to one. However, I can see the benefit to an audio book. I have a daily commute of about three hours all together.  Since publishing my first book, I’ve gotten the occasional request for audio books of The Hobson Hills … Read more

Romantic Comedy or Sci-fi Romance?

Do you like one, specific genre of m/m romance or do you like multiple genres? Is there one genre or troupe that you simply can’t stand? I tend to enjoy many genres, but it depends on my mood and my purpose for reading at that given moment. It’s just like food. Sometimes, I want comfort … Read more

“Healing the Omega” Preview

Chapter One Dean Wagner slapped his alarm clock when it blared loudly. It silenced immediately, but he didn’t get up. He was so tired after tossing and turning all night and knew it was a sign that today would be more difficult than usual. He groaned softly and sat up. Beau snuffled in his sleep, … Read more